Monday, February 7, 2011

[menu plan] week of feb 07

i have a new favorite website. have you been to $5 Dinners? it's great. cheap, easy meals. and if you don't use their recipes, at least you'll get some ideas for what you want to make.

i've been really slacking in the meal planning department lately. and i'm sick of going to the store every day, not knowing what i'm going to make for dinner that night, and then buying something easy, not so healthy, and not so cheap. so i've made a weekly meal plan today, and will stop by the store on the way home today to get food for the whole week. i'm so excited.

here's the meals. i still have no idea what order i'm going to make them in, but i imagine things like the pilaf will wait til the end of the week, because it's not so much fresh produce in it. the ingredients can sit around for a little bit.

mushroom quinoa pilaf
sloppy joes with mac-n-cheese
croissant hot dogs with pasta salad
cashew chicken
tacos with mexican rice


Kyrstin said...

The "mushroom quinoa pilaf" looks awesome! I'm just not so sure on her calculations. I have no idea where I can buy two cans of mushrooms for only $.38. Around here they are like $.55 each... and I like in a low cost of living area. Hmmm... still looks tasty! :-D

LisaDay said...

I love quinoa. I need to buy some.

Thank you for popping by my blog on my SITS day.


Anonymous said...
