Day 1: for lunch I had spaghetti squash (found on the blog!)
Dinner was great.

I melded a number of lettuce wrap recipes because we aren't eating tofu, either. So here's what I used:
2 carrots
1/2 onion
1 celery stalk
I garlic clove
1 jalapeño
2 cups of black beans
2 cups cooked brown basmati rice
About 4T tamari (or soy sauce)
2t kosher salt
1 cup roasted cashews
Chop the veggies and sauté in 1T coconut oil. Once they're about the texture you want, add the beans, rice, tamari, and salt. Heat until most liquid is cooked off, add cashews, and serve with lettuce leaves and sliced avocado. We used green leaf. For the leftovers we'll use romaine.

It was a hit!
(it only looks like he's grimacing. He's actually smiling with a mouth full of food.)